
Horses have always been known for their majestic grace and powerful presence, but beneath that exterior lies a complex set of dental structures that are crucial for their well-being. Equine Odontoclastic Tooth Resorption and Hypercementosis (EOTRH) is a recently recognized dental disease that has been causing pain and discomfort in horses, often going undiagnosed until it reaches advanced stages. In this blog, we’ll delve into the details of EOTRH, exploring its causes, symptoms, and treatment options.

Understanding EOTRH

Equine Odontoclastic Tooth Resorption and Hypercementosis, also known as EOTRH, is a progressive dental disease that affects horses’ incisors, canines, and cheek teeth. While it has only recently been recognized by veterinarians, it has gained attention due to the severe pain and discomfort it can cause in affected horses. One of the most challenging aspects of EOTRH is that it often goes unnoticed until the lesions are advanced, making early diagnosis and intervention crucial.

Demographics of Affected Horses

EOTRH appears to be more common in aged geldings, particularly those older than 15 years. This demographic trend has led veterinarians to explore potential links between EOTRH and age-related conditions. While many affected horses also have concurrent Pituitary Pars Intermedia Dysfunction (PPID), commonly known as Cushing’s disease, a direct association between the two has not been firmly established. It’s important to note that EOTRH has not been linked to specific dietary factors, mineral imbalances, or exposure to toxins. This has made it a particularly enigmatic condition in the equine world.

The Insidious Nature of EOTRH

One of the most challenging aspects of EOTRH is its insidious nature. The clinical signs can start subtly and then progressively worsen. Horse owners and caretakers may initially notice minor issues, such as changes in eating habits or mild discomfort, but as the disease advances, horses may experience significant pain, leading to difficulties in eating and overall well-being. It’s crucial for horse owners to be vigilant and seek veterinary care if they suspect any dental issues in their horses, especially in older geldings.

Prevention and Management

Currently, there are no known preventative measures for EOTRH due to the unknown etiology of the disease. This underscores the importance of regular dental check-ups for horses, particularly as they age. Routine dental examinations can help catch dental problems, including EOTRH, in their early stages, increasing the chances of successful treatment.

Treatment Options

The primary treatment for EOTRH involves the extraction of affected teeth. While this may seem radical, it is often the most effective way to alleviate the pain and discomfort associated with the disease. Many horses experience immediate relief and a quick return to normal eating habits after tooth extraction. Veterinarians may also recommend pain management and follow-up care to ensure the horse’s comfort during the recovery process.

Equine Odontoclastic Tooth Resorption and Hypercementosis (EOTRH) is a challenging dental disease that affects horses, particularly aged geldings. Its insidious nature and the lack of known preventative measures make early diagnosis and intervention critical. Horse owners should prioritize regular dental check-ups for their equine companions to catch dental issues, like EOTRH, in their early stages. While treatment may involve tooth extraction, it can significantly improve the horse’s quality of life by relieving pain and discomfort. EOTRH reminds us of the importance of equine dental health and the need for ongoing research to better understand and manage this complex condition.